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Rowan - Year 5/6


Your teachers are Mrs Price and Mr Hill 

Ms Heaven will also be in class during the week.


Below you will find some useful information about Year 6. 

Your start time is 8:45am, with doors opening at 8:40am every day. 

Your finish time is 3:00pm


PE is on  Thursday and Friday . Please ensure the children bring in a PE kit on these days. Our PE kit is red, white and black. However, the children may wear a jumper/t-shirt that is their house colour.

Homework Expectations:

Reading Remember to bring your home reading book  in to school every day.

Maths - .Complete set pages in your CGP Maths book. These pages will be set on a Monday and you should return your book to school on a Wednesday.

Grammar- Complete set pages in your CGP Grammar book. These pages will be set on a Friday and you should return your book to school on a Wednesday.

Spelling and Handwriting - Log into 'letterjoin' to practise twice a week for 10 minutes. The children must also login to EdShed to practise their spellings. The will have a weekly spelling check every Friday. 

Useful websites:

Here are a few websites which will help your child practise the key skills to make them successful in school. 


Times Tables Rock Stars: Play (


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