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School Values

'Growing and Succeeding Together'

Our School Values

Each half term, we focus one of our school core values. These may be within our weekly PSHE lessons and assemblies.  Children will also receive rewards for demonstrating any of these core values. 

Autumn 1 Autumn 2 Spring 1 Spring 2 Summer 1 Summer 2
Cooperation Respect Ambition Resilience Confidence Empathy

Our PROUD School Rules 

Throughout the school, we also know and follow these school rules. 

Our PROUD School Rules 

Throughout the school, we know and follow these school rules.  We are ...

P - proud to be positive in our learning

R - respectful to those around us and always use our manners

O - own the right to be educated and make the most of every opportunity

U - understanding of those around us and celebrate our differences

D - determined to do our best

British Values


How We Promote It Across the Federation




  • Our pupil selected School Council teaches about the importance of democracy.
  • Our pupils have the opportunity to volunteer their time in activities/roles such as eco councillors, reading ambassadors, digital and STEM ambassadors. 
  • Democracy is also promoted through daily decision making, debating, JIGSAW lessons and assemblies.
  • Pupils are taught about the freedom of speech through assemblies.

The rule of law



  • Our behaviour policy demands high expectations of pupil conduct and positive behaviour is rewarded throughout the school day through house tokens, core value stickers and raffle tickets. 
  • Pupil are taught mutual respect during JIGSAW and RE lessons. Respect is also a whole school core value. 

Individual liberty


  • Through our school values and JIGSAW, children are taught about personal responsibility, choices, ambition and aspiration.  They are encouraged to take opportunities to follow their interests in art, sport etc. These wider achievements are celebrated weekly and shared on the whole school achievement wall. 
  • Children are taught how to keep themselves safe, including on-line.  This is done through computing lessons, the use of project evolve, in assemblies and celebrating the annual online safety day. 

Mutual respect

  •  Our behaviour policy demands high expectations of pupil conduct and this is shared with and agreed by all pupils.
  • Mutual respect is an expectation of all and is promoted through daily life in school. 
  • Pupils learn about a range of faiths and beliefs and how difference enriches life experiences. 

Tolerance of different faiths, beliefs and of those who have no beliefs 

(Respect, tolerance and understanding)



  • Our behaviour policy demands high expectations of pupil conduct and this is shared with and agreed by all pupils.
  • Tolerance of different faiths and beliefs is promoted through the curriculum for Religious Education.  Pupils learn about different religions, their beliefs, places of worship and festivals, and learn about those who have no faith or beliefs.
  • All pupils have the opportunity to visit different places of worship linked to the religion they are studying.