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Key Information

Nursery Day

9 am to 3:00 pm. Children enter and exit via the Padestrian EYFS gate. 


Lunch is served at 12 pm where children can eat their a packed lunch in our Lunch Room.  Please note, we are a nut free school and encourage healthy food choices.


As a part of our drive to be a Healthy School, all children receive fruit at snack times, free of charge. All children will receive a named water bottle which will be accessible at all times throughout the day.


If your child is absent for any reason, please contact the school office. Funded hours will be revied after periods of missed sessions..

Contact Details

Please ensure all contact details and medical information is kept up to date and inform the school office of any changes. If anyone different is collecting your child, please inform the school office as we will not allow children to be dismissed to an unfamiler adult.


Prescribe medication is signed in at the school office and stored securely. If your child is Asthmatic, please ensure we have an inhaler in school at all times.


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PE Kit

Reception will be allocated a day for PE and are to come to school dressed in their kit (black shorts / joggers / leggings, white t-shirt / trainers or pumps)

Forest School

It would be helpful if you could provided warm, suitable clothing and a pair of wellies for Forest School. School provide puddle suits during the winter months.


Please apply suncream before school and provide a sun hat during warm weather and warm clothing such as gloves and hats in the winter. We spend a lot of time in the outdoor learning environment thoughout the year and will go out in all weathers.

Parent Pay

We are a cashless school so you will be provided with a Parent Pay account in order to pay for trips or dinners. Please activate it as soon as possible and if for any reason you need to pay at a pay point, please request a pay point barcode from the school office.

ParentPay - The Leading Cashless Payments System for Schools


Famly will be used daily  to document your child's learning. Please activiate your account as soon as you get an email. In September we will be using Famly to share home learning with you and encourage you to share observations from home.

Term Dates

School holidays and term dates - Staffordshire County Council