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Hazel - Year 2

Welcome to Year 2 with Mrs Melloy!

Below you will find some useful information about Year 2.


Your start time is 8.45am, with doors opening at 8:40am.

Your finish time is 3:00pm

Reading Homework

Reading books are sent home every Friday. Your child will bring home 2 reading books. The first is a book that they will have read in class. Please allow your child to show you how well they can read this book independently. 

The second book will have some of the same characters or themes in but they will not have read this before. Your child will be able to use phonic strategies learnt in school to help them read this book. Our aim is for the children to develop fluency and accuracy each time they read.

Reading books should be available in school everyday and will be collected on Wednesdays to be changed.


The children will have access to Spelling Shed- an online spelling programme. They will have weekly spelling tests linked to the spellings that they have learnt.

Maths Homework

Maths homework will be set every Friday. We use an online platform called Learning by Questions. The children will be able to access the activities that have been set until the Wednesday of the following week. The activities that are set will support the learning in the classroom

What we are learning about?

Below is an overview of subjects and topics taught in Year 2.

Long Term Plan Year 2. 2024 2025


PE Information

Your PE day is a Monday and Thursday, please bring your PE kit into school with you and you will get changed in school

Your kit should consist of a house colour t-shirt, black shorts or joggers and pumps or trainers. You can also wear a black hoodie or sweater to keep you warm outdoors.

Please remember to remove earrings on the morning before coming to school and tie long hair back.

Useful Links

  • ttrockstars
    Practise your times tables with this exciting game designed to help you get quicker at recall. Play against the clock, friends and even teachers! Ask your teacher for your login.

  • Numbots
    The children love this one!

  • spellingshed
    Practise your spelling using this game. Login to find spellings uploaded by your teacher. Practise and test yourself.